BYOC Resources
1 - About BYOC
2 - Referenced Links
3 - Instructable
Front Panel 8080 Resources
1 - Operating Manual
4 - RDT Manual
5 - Front Panel 8080
Intel 8080 Experiments
5 - Iteration
6 - Memory Access
7 - Optimization
Atmel ATmega328 Resources
1 - Data Sheet
Atmel ATmega328 Experiments
8 - ATmega Basics
11 - ATmega Peripherals
12 - AVR Tiny BASIC
Intel 8080 Code
ATmega328 Code
ATmega1280 Code
Tiny BASIC Resources
For the Intel 8080
1 - Introduction
2 -
PCC Spec
For the ATmega328
1 -
For the ATmega1280
1 - Introduction
Tiny BASIC Programs
For the Intel 8080